
Water pump restoration

Heritage salvage is an important part of the work of the Trust. How many times have we all seen antique…

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Annual Dinner & Heritage Awards

The Trust's Annual Dinner and Heritage Awards took place on the evening of Wednesday 29th October at the Khaima at…

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North Gorge

The recently announced tender process for development of the North Gorge into an ‘Eco Housing Development’ is of concern to…

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Parliament Lift Update

Following the Trust’s press release on the proposed Government project to install an exterior lift at the Parliament Building which…

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Spanish Fountain Restoration

The remains of what is commonly known as the ‘Spanish Fountain’ on the boulevard has been the subject of a restoration project.

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Boxcar Restoration

The Trust is currently actively embarked on a restoration of the last known surviving railway box car in Gibraltar.

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Wellington Front

The Trust is immensely pleased to see the commencement of works on the restoration and beautification of Wellington Front.

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