
Time Capsule found at old St Bernard's Hospital

Following on from GHT intervention in the removal of the foundation stone at the Old St Bernard's Hospital, a time…

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New Heritage Act Command Paper published

The Gibraltar Heritage Trust welcomes the publication of the Command Paper for the New Heritage Act, which we have been…

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Results of 26th Painting Competition

The winners of the Trust's 26th annual painting competition were announced on Tuesday evening at a reception at the Main…

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Northen Defences Boundary Wall

The Trust has continued to liaise with Government over the required works to the boundary wall at the Northern Defences.…

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Northern Defences end of first phase

HMGoG has today issued the following Press Release The Government is pleased to announce the end of the first phase…

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GTB at Main Guard

Regular visitors to the Main Guard will have noticed that the Gibraltar Tourist Board has set up a Tourist Information…

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Hesse's Demi Bastion Visit

GHT Members recently visited the AquaGib facilities at Hesse’s Demi Bastion. Members were given a very comprehensive tour by the…

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