Year and Volume
Article List
1993, Vol 1
Gibraltar's Architecture, Mario L. Sanguinetti, FRIBA
Gibraltar's Main Square, Tito Benady
The History of the City Hall, Jack and Dorothy Ellicott
The Cardozo Family, Tito Benady
The Larios Family, Tito Benady
Parson's Lodge Battery, Sir William Jackson
1994, Vol 2
Update on Parson's Lodge, Christopher Terry
The French in Gibraltar in the 19th Century, Dr. Sam Benady
The Currency and Coinage of Gibraltarian the 18th, 15th and 19th centuries, Richard J Garcia
Character and Style of the early Gibraltar Chronicles, Diane Sloma
Engineers in Gibraltar in the 16th and 17th centuries, Tito Benady
Gibraltar During the Spanish Civil War, Isaac Benyunes
The Models of the Rock, Dr. S Benady & TJ Finlayson
The History of Gibraltar's Water Supply, Tommy J Finlayson
Governors of Gibraltar, Tito Benady
The Founding of Gibraltar, Tito Benady
1996, Vol 3
The Restoration of the City Hall, Gino F. Matto RIBA
Gibraltar and the Sea, Sam G Benady
Gibraltar's First Election, TJ Finlayson
Expelled From Morocco, Lourdes Galliano
The American View and the Spanish Claim, Dr. Joseph Garcia
The Lombard Family, Anthony Lombard
Cazes: Gibraltar Department Store, Sam G Benady
Underground Power Stations of the Royal Engineers, Ken Anthony
A Tale of Two Families, AAD Seymour
Gibraltar in 1748: Described by Robert Poole, introduction by Tito Benady
William Willoughby Cole Verner, Dr. Clive Finlayson
1997, Vol 4
The Day the Bedenham Blew Up, Ernest Reading
The Java, David Grieg
The Complaint of the Chief Justice of Gibraltar, Tito Benady
The Man on the Spot: a case study in Colonial Administration. Sir Robert Stanley, Colonial Secretary 1944-1947, Dr. Joseph Garcia
William Green: the Man Who Saved Gibraltar, Ken Anthony
Gibraltar Chronicle: Language, Style and Cultural Identity, Diane Sloma
General Casteños in the Campo de Gibraltar and his Relations with the British, Francisco Tornay de Cozar
Description of Gibraltar in 1773, Richard Twiss
Policing Gibraltar in Victorian Times, Cecilia Baldachino
The Roman Catholic Abudarham Family, Anthony Lombard
The Press in Gibraltar in the Nineteenth Century, TJ Finlayson
1998, Vol 5
An old pupil of the Christian Brothers looks back, Pop Gareze
Paul Morphy's Spanish Connection, Sam G Benady
Scandals: the seamy side of life in Gibraltar in the eighteenth century, Tito Benady
Spies Hanged During the War, Sir Joshua Hassan
Smith, Immossi & Co Ltd, Patricia Smith
World War II and its effect on the development of a civilian medical service in Gibraltar, Sam G Benady
The Painting of Utopia, Luis Pereira
Reminiscences of the Gibraltar Museum, David C Devenish
Heraldry in Gibraltar, Anthony Lombard
Moslem Gibraltar as described by the ancient chroniclers, Tito Benady
Description of Gibraltar in 1825, James Anton
Newspapers published in Gibraltar 1900-1972, Tommy Finlayson
1999, Vol 6
The Kidnapping of the Bonells, Paco Galliano
The Tragic Evacuation of the Indian Community of Gibraltar in 1940, Percy Mañasco
The Place of the Garrison Library in Gibraltarian Society, Tito Benady
The Case of the Cuban Refugees, TJ Finlayson
Days to Remember: the Evacuation, Joseph L Morello
Gibraltar in Fiction, Sam Benady
The Spanish Consul in Gibraltar During the Constitutional Triennial 1820-1823, Juan Manuel Ballesta Gomez
Reminiscences of Gibraltar, Richard Gilham Thomsett
Cooperation and Conflict in North Front in the 1800s, Cecilia Baldachino
The Depositions of the Spanish Inhabitants of Gibraltar to the Inspectors of the Army in 1712, Tito Benady
2000, Vol 7
The Gallantry of Lieutenant Solomon Benzecry, Eric Canessa
Sufficient unto the day, Joe Ochello
HMS Cormorant and HMS Hart, 1894-1949, Ernest Reading
Fives Court, Tony Lombard
The Social Impact of the Spanish Civil War in Gibraltar, Denis Beiso
The Refurbishment of the Convent, Rose Luce
Gibraltar and the Falklands Dimension, Anthony Gooch
Visual Artefacts of 19th century Gibraltar, Larry Sawchuk & Jane Padiak
Djebel Tarik, Tito Vallejo
English and Spanish in Gibraltar, Sergius Ballentine
Spaniards in Gibraltar after the Treaty of Utrecht, Tito Benady
2001,Vol 8
The Settlement of Jews in Gibraltar 1704-1783, Tito Benady
The Sinking of the Utopia, Paul Baker
The Gibraltar Connections of a San Roque Family, Juan Manuel Ballesta Gomez
The Gibraltar Market, Cecilia Baldachino
Arthur Griffiths (1838-1908), S G Benady
Memories of a young girl in Madeira, Elena Lina Searle
The Declaration of the Constitution of Cadiz in Gibraltar and the Campo Area, Carlos Posac Mon
1830 and all that!, TJ Finlayson
The Royal Naval Air Station, Maurice FitzGerald
The Politics of Catalan Bay, Dennis Beiso
The measurement of the height of the Rock, Eric Canessa
The bell of Gibraltar in Fez, Tito Vallejo
Genoese in Gibraltar, Tito Benady
2002, Vol 9
The Harbour That Never Was, Eric Canessa
A Survey of the Integration Movement in Gibraltar since 1965, Percy Mañasco
The Gibraltarian Since 1704, TJ Finlayson
The Govenors of Gibraltar (1704-1730), Tito Benady
The Garrison Library, Lorna Swift
The Deutschland Incident, Paul Baker
Solicitors of the Supreme Court - Gibraltar, Roger Taylor
Historical Events in Gibraltar, Tito Benady & TJ Finlayson
Reminiscences of People and Places, R.G Thomsett
Memories of Brympton School 1932-1939, Elizabeth McCutchan
2003, Vol 10
Two Views on the Arab Invasion and Tariq/Tarif, Hammo Sassoon
The Jose Luis Diez Incident, Dennis D Beiso
The Convent at Gibraltar, Tito Benady
The Govenors of Gibraltar II (1730-1749), Tito Benady
The Diary of Harriet Beanland as a Girl, 1874-1876, Malcolm Beanland
Women of Gibraltar, Sam Benady
The Gibraltarian Identity and Early 20th Century Marriage Practices, LA Sawchuk & L Walz
Pedro an his GDF Honey Wagon, Arthur Addis
Personalities and Ordinary People in Spanish Gibraltar in the 16th and 17th Century, Pt. I, Juan Manuel Ballesta Gomez
Edwardian Architecture in the Campo de Gibraltar, Ana Aranda Bernal
2004. Vol 11
Contacts between England and Gibraltar before 1704, Sam Benady
The Political Background to the War of the Spanish Succession, Joe Desoisa
Prince George of Hessen: A Hero Cast in the 'Old Mould', Denis King
The Naval Involvement in the Capture of Gibraltar in 1704, Paul Baker and Cecilia Baldachino
The Siege of Gibraltar 1704-5, Sam Benady
The Civilian Population in 1704, Tito Benady
A Descent from the Conquest, Anthony Lombard
Memories of World War II in Gibraltar, Regina Ramsay IBVM as told to Ena Devlin
Tribute to Admiral Sir Derek Reffel
2005, Vol 12
The Way We Were, Cecilia Baldachino
The Mount, Marjorie Hoare
How Bolton Beandland and his Family Came to Settle in Gibraltar, Malcolm Beanland
Guiseppe Codali, Tito Benady
The Creswells of Gibraltar, Frank Creswell and Sam Benady
Random Memories, Elizabeth McCutchan
Food in Gibraltar, Tito Benady
General Sir Horace Lockwood Smith-Dorrien GCB, GCMG, DSO (1858-1930), Ernest Reading
Personalities and Ordinary People in Spanish Gibraltar in the 16th and 17th Century, Pt. II, Juan Manuel Ballesta Gomez
Nelson and Gibraltar, Denis King
After Trafalgar, Denis King
2005, Special Edition
The Jews of Gibraltar under British Rule, A.B.M Serfaty
The Rabbis in Gibraltar in the Eighteenth Century, Rabbi Hassid
From Gibraltar to Jerusalem, Solomon A. Seruya
Anglo-Jewish Association Report of 1877-1878,
The Kebutot of Gibraltar, Mesod Belilo
Benjamin Hassan Haddadah
2006, Vol 13
Aspects of Contemporary Hinduism in Gibraltar, Günter Best
In the Time of Great Calamity: Dr. John Hennen, Principal Medical Officer; Gibraltar, LA Sawchuk, SDA Burke and SG Benady
Captain Louis Anthony Lombard and the International Conference of Algeciras 1906, Anthony JP Lombard
John Stubbs, Tito Benady
Smuggling and the Law, Tito Benady
2007, Vol 14
Don't tell me he has drowned!': An account of events which took place on the Rock relating to the Allied Landings in North Africa on 8th November 1942 - Operation Torch, Denis King
HMS Courageux: an eighteenth-century ship lost in the Strait of Gibraltar, Athena Trakadas
The Remarkable Ward Family, Tito Benady
The Great Siege: One Woman's View, Sam Benady
The Garrison of Gibraltar, Vincent Power
An Airman Remembers, Michael Cook
Sketches of my Childhood, Gil Podesta
Reminiscences, Joe Ochello
2008, Vol 15
Listing the TGWU archive - a work in progress, Dennis Beiso
Quelch in Gibraltar 1898-1899, Tito Benady
El Sindicalismo Gibraltareño, José Netto
The wrongful deportation of Albert Fava: the indisputable champion of worker's rights, Jonathan Jeffries
The Young Christian Workers and the Labour Movement in Gibraltar, Dr. Bernard Linares
The Parity Question - a Socio-Political Evaluation, Joe Bossano
The Impact of Trade Unionism and the Economy and Politics of Gibraltar in the 1970s and 1980s, Roy Clinton
2009, Vol 16
El Calpense - Un Paseo de Gibraltar a La Linea' Por un Calpense; with an introduction on the history of El Calpense, Joshua Marrache with a translation by Sergio Ballantine
Gibraltar's Weather Records: the Gibraltar Chronicle, Letters, Diaries and Publications, Dennis Wheeler
Gibraltar's Cut Coinage, Bob Lyall
Henry Ince: Soldier, Tunneller and Methodist (1736-1808), Sue Jackson
Garrison of Gibraltar II, Vincent Power
Twice Round the Rock Sequence: a Pictorial View Taken Between 1959-1961, Michael Cook
HMS Calpe 1965 to 1993, Cdr Joe Ballantine OBE RD* RNR (Rtd)
2010, Vol 17
Beanland Malin Gibraltar Printers and Stationers, Malcolm Beanland
The Gibraltar Tobacco Wrappers Engraved by Julio Spitzer circa 1890, Richard Garcia
My Father's Shop, Manolo Galliano
MH Bland & Co Ltd: 200th Anniversary 1810-2010, George Gaggero
Gibraltar entre Granadinos, Castellanos y Meriníes (1309-1333), Manuel López Fernández with a translation by Kevin Lane
Garrison of Gibraltar III (1871-1945), Vincent Power
The Royal Naval Air Service - Gibraltar 1918 - Birthdays and Balloons, Lieutenant Commander Maurice FitzGerald, MNI, Royal Navy (Retired)
2011, Vol 18
The Conversion of the SS Uganda in Gibraltar 16th-19th April 1982, David Sanchez
The Refitting of the SS Uganda in April 1982 in images, Orlando Bossino
Mons Calpe 1954-1986, George Gaggero
The Alameda Housing Estate, TJ Finlayson
Gibraltar Calling: a History of Telephone Services in Gibraltar, Malcolm Beanland
The Goatherd's Path and the XIIth Siege of Gibraltar, Roy Clinton
Christmas Memories, Manolo Galliano
2012, Vol 19
A Gibraltar Diary of the Falklands War, Michael Sanchez
Memories and memorabilia from the 1950s and 1960s, Malcolm Beanland
Gibraltar's Religious and other Traditions, Manolo Galliano
The Devil's Tower (Torre Del Diablo), Freddie Gomez
The Victoria Cross, Gibraltar and the Royal Lodge of Friendship no. 278, Keith Sheriff
William Henry Bartlett: Smugglers, Spaniards and Moors - Porters, Touters and Idlers, Neville Chipolina
2013, Vol 20
Description of Gibraltar c.1682-1687 by the Rev Fray Gerónimo de la Concepción from his book 'Emporio de e Orbe, Cádiz Ilustrada, Investigation de sus antiguas Grandezas, Discurrida en Concurso de el General Imperio de España' 1690, translation with notes by Manolo Galliano
Notes of the frontispiece of Rev Fray Gerónimo de la Concepción; description of Gibraltar in 'Cádiz Ilustrada' c.1682-1687, Charles Durante
El Gran Sitio, con acento menorquín', an account from the unpublished diary of Father Fracis Messa, who was parish priest of the Church of Saint Mary the Crowned during the Great Siege of Gibraltar, Martí Crespo
The Great Siege with a Minorcan Emphasis (translation and notes), Martí Crespo, translation and notes by Manolo Galliano
Harry Reading 1891-1917 and the Reading Family, Ernest Reading
The Strait of Gibraltar/Pillars of Hercules in Three Poetic Texts, Charles Durante
U-Boats Lost Near Gibraltar 1941-1944, Michael Sanchez
A visit to Gibraltar by the George Borrow Society September 2012, Richard Garcia MBE
2015, Vol 21
‘Dangers from Beneath’, by Ted Archer;
‘Minorca and Gibraltar in the Eighteenth Century’, by Tito Benady;
‘Crown Colony’ by Martin Geoffrey Ford;
‘The Hermitage of Our Lady of The Rosary’ by Manolo Galliano;
‘A Symbol of Christian Reconquest in the Cathedral of St. Mary the Crowned’ by Ryan Asquez;
Three Examples of the Impact of Postage Stamps from the 1890s-1920s’ by Richard Garcia;
'The Capture of Gibraltar, 1704: An Eyewitness Account by Lieutenant Streynsham Master’ Transcribed and introduced by Manolo Galliano;
‘Notes and Impressions on the Visit of H.M. the Queen and H.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh to Gibraltar on 10th and 11th May, 1954’ by Mollie Scherr (edited by Jennifer Scherr 60 years later)
‘The Last Royal Navy Ship Sunk During World War I’ by Ian Balestrino.
2016, Vol 22
‘What's in a name?’, by Sam Benady;
‘The Dyer Family of Gibraltar’, by Manolo Galliano;
‘Governor Bland and the first Constitution for Gibraltar’ by Tito Benady;
‘The Mayoralty of Gibraltar and the History of the City Hall’ by Anthony Lombard;
‘The original Spanish Inhabitants of Gibraltar 1704-1712’ by Richard Garcia;
'Bronze Howitzers at the Alameda Gardens’ by Ian Balestrino;
'The Gibraltar War Memorial at the National Memorial Arboretum, UK’ by Joe Brugada;
Notes and Queries section: 'Rock Scorpions and other creatures', 'Photographs with frames of postage stamps', 'A symbol of Christian Reconquest in the Cathedral of St. Mary the Crowned revised' and 'The last Royal Navy ship sunk during World War I'.
2017, Vol 23
1967 & All That - Memories of Gibraltar's First Referendum, By Manolo Galliano
Photographs of the 1967 Referendum, Courtesy of the Gibraltar National Archives
The trial of Doña Claudia Theresa Palomin by the Inquisition, José Maria Lázaro Bruña
The proposed Demolition of the Main Guard, Richard Garcia
Cholera and Choleric Bureaucrat, Sam Benady
Maltese Immigrants in Gibraltar, Tito Benady
Four Officers in Command (or not in Command), Tito Benady
Spanish Inhabitants who remained in Gibraltar after 1704, Part II, Richard Garcia
2018, Vol 24
'Gibraltar Crossroad for Emigration to the West: From Gibraltar to the Americas 1870 to 1930' by Anthony W. Pitaluga
' Lo mataron de un valaso: Military Deaths in the Burial Registers of the Cathedral of Saint Mary the Crowned, 1704-05' by Ryan Asquez
'Death of an Admiral, Birth of a Naval Legend: The Death of Jacob Heemskerk at the Battle of the Bay of Gibraltar 1607' by David Sanchez
'Gibraltar - Siege of 1704-05. Translation and notes' by Manolo Galliano
'The 16th Century Coat of Arms in the Cathedral of Saint Mary the Crowned' By Manolo Galliano
'My Life as a Musician' - By Tito Valerga
'Jamilla's Story' - By Gina Marks
'The Spanish Blockade' By Joseph Nuñez
'Lieutenant General Thomas Fowke' By Tito Benady
'Radio Gibraltar 60 years at The Centre of Everything' By George Valarino
'Not Quite James Bond- Shining a Light on the Spy Services in Gibraltar' by Jonathan Jefferies
'Spanish Inhabitants who Remained in Gibraltar after 1704. Part III' By Richard Garcia
'Book Review - Gibraltar: The Greatest Siege in British History' by Roy & Leslie Adkins
Notes & Queries Section
'Emerson Place', ' The Centenary of the Sinking of HMS Britannia' and ' The History of Gibraltar's Streets'
2019, Vol 25
25 years of the Journal of the Gibraltar Heritage Trust, by Richard Garcia
The Gibraltar Gas Company: A case Study in Colonial Capitalism, by Roy Clinton
Francisco Porro, the Gibraltarian Bishop ‘Persecuted’ by Napoleon, by Marti Crespo
Shakelton Air Crash at R.A.F. North Front 14th September 1957, by Manolo Galliano
Giraltar Gills – Merchants and Medics, by Robin Gill
A Contemporary Account of the Capture of Gibraltar, by Sam Benady
World War One: The Impact on GIbrlatar, by Anthony W Pitaluga
Lord Tyrawley; a singularly Licentious Man, by Tito Benday
The British Salamanders, by Roy and Lesley Adkins
The Bombing and Sinking of the ‘H.M.T. Stella Sirius’, by Ian Balestrino
Bishop Devlin’s Account of the Early History of St. Teresa’s Church, by Richard Garcia
Alcaldes, Alcaides, Corregidores & Governors of Gibraltar (1310-1704), by Manolo Galliano
Notes and Queries include: Monkey Business, by Sam Benady; Drum, by Richard Labrador; H.M.S. Britannia Revisitied, by Ian Balestrino; Book Review ‘Of Monks and Nuns'
2020, Vol 26
Langdon: From the Assembley Rooms to The Queen's, by Michele Stagnetto and John Langdon
Evacuated to Madeira, by Tito Benady
Lisztomania: The Gibraltar Concert in the Franz Liszt Grand Tour, 4th March 1845, by Anthony Pitaluga
The Mediterranean Stairs and O'Hara's Tower: History and Recreational Use, by Roy Clinton
The Camp That Never Was: The Non-intervention Committee in Gibraltar, by Francis Silva
The Anglican Deans of Gibraltar, to 1945, by Robin Gill
Steamer Companies and Early Gibraltar Picture Postcards, by Richard Garcia
Alcades, Alcaides, Corregidores and Governors of Gibraltar (1310-1704), Part I - Revisited, by Manolo Galliano
Alcades, Alcaides, Corregidores and Governors of Gibraltar (1310-1704), Part II, by Manolo Galliano
The Bombing and Sinking of H.M.T Stella Sirius, by Ian Balestrino
Notes and Queries include: Eliott the Veggie, by Sam Benady; Perejil Island, by Sam Benady; The currency on Gibraltar's first Postage Stamps, by Richard Garcia
Obituaries: John Porral; Marjorie Hoare
2021, Vol 27
Captain Samuel Buckle, Gibraltar's Colonial Engineer (1874-1894). Part I: an Officer of the Crown, by Alex Panayotti
The Threat from Spanish Guns to Gibraltar (1939-43) and British concerns, by Peter Ferrary
Gibraltar Phonecards, 1989-2004, by Malcolm Beanland
The Gibraltar Convict Station, by Sam Benady
A Balloon Ascent from the Gasworks, Gibraltar, in 1889, by Anthony Pitaluga
Anglican Deans Part II, by Robin Gill
The Opening of the Gibraltar Tourist Office in London, by Richard Garcia
Alcades, Alcaides, Corregidores and Governors of Gibraltar (1310-1704), Part 3, by Manolo Galliano
Notes and Queries include: John Jones, by Roy & Lesley Adkins; Scud Hill, by Sam Benady
Obituaries: Alexis Almeda; Joe Desoisa; Lionel Culatto; Edward (Ted) Archer
Gibraltar Bookshelf 2020
2022, Vol 28
- Captain Samuel Buckle, Gibraltar's Colonial Engineer: The Cause of All our Misfortunes (Part II), by Alex Panayotti
- The Nun's Well, by Manolo Galliano
- Down Memory Lane in the 1960s, by Maria Victoria Bartlett
- Naval Football Grounds, by Richard Bear
- The Gibraltar "Battle Honour", by Ian Balestrino
- Spanking Roger and The Great Siege by Peter Ferrary
- Alcaides, ALcades, Corregidores and Governors of Gibraltar (Part IV), by Manolo Galliano
- Notes & Queries include: Another Historical Myth Exploded by Sam Benady, Scud Hill by Roy & Lesley Adkins, Chimney Swallows by Roy & Lesley Adkins and O'Hara in Love by Sam Benady
- Obituary: John Stubbs (1934 - 2022)
- Gibraltar Bookshelf Addedndum 2019, 2020, 2021
2023, Vol 29
- My Mother’s Gibraltar Childhood, by Elizabeth Winthrop Alsop
- The Devil’s Spyglass and Breakneck Stairs: An Unsolved Mystery, by Roy Clinton
- Port of Gibraltar: Mersa Asagra, by Tito Benady
- St. Michael’s Cave as described by early writers Eight Century BC – Eighteenth Century, by Manolo Galliano
- Before the Siege, by Dr Sam Benad
- World War One: Commemoration and Remembrance, by Anthony W. Pitaluga
- Spanish Guns over the Rock?, by Peter Ferrary
- El Santo Cristo de Burgos: Wills and Local Religion in late Seventeenth Century Gibraltar by Dr Ryan Asquez
- Birth Records in Gibraltar 1704 – 12, by Richard JM Garcia
- Notes & Queries include an abridged version of ‘Chimney Swallows’ which first appeared in J28 by Roy and Lesley Adkins and ‘Coronation Medals Distributed in Gibraltar’ by Richard JM Garcia
- Bookshelf 2021 - 2022