
34th Annual Painting Competition

The Gibraltar Heritage Trust will be holding its 34th Annual Painting Competition on Saturday 13th May 2023. This year’s theme is the ‘Southern Defence Walls’ and artists will be invited to choose a view of the walls between Ragged Staff Gate and Charles V Wall (includes South Bastion Wall, South Port Gate and Prince Edward’s Gate). Gibraltar’s urban landscape is constantly changing and with this change comes the threat of losing elements of our architectural heritage. By drawing attention to them through the medium of art one can appreciate the variety in our landscape and come to value it. In the words of American conservationist Mollie Beattie, ‘What a country chooses to save is what a country chooses to say about itself.’ We hope participants will use this statement to inspire their artworks this year.

Registration of participants will take place on the day by the Trafalgar Cemetery section of Charles V Wall between 9.00am and 12:30pm. Those who wish to pre-register are encouraged to do so here. You will still need to register on the day and have your painting stamped to enter.

With the exception of school participants, painting/sketching must take place on location, on the day between 9:00am and 5:00pm. Any type of traditional artistic media will be accepted. Participants must supply their own art materials. Entries should not be larger than 76cm x 60cm. Please familiarise yourseld with the Rules and Regulations of the competition.

On completion, participants will be required to hand in their entries to a representative of the Gibraltar Heritage Trust at the Trust Office at 13 John Mackintosh Square. All entries must be handed in by the deadline of 5:00pm. The competition is divided into four groups: Adults (aged 18 and over), Juniors (aged 11 to 17), Children (aged 7-10), Infants (aged 6 and under). 

Prizes will be as follows:







(Aged 18 and over)

(Aged 11 - 17)

(Aged 7 - 10)


(Aged 6 and under)

1st  Prize

£1,000 (Sponsored by Gibraltar Cultural Services)





2nd  Prize






3rd  Prize






DAVID GLADSTONE PRIZE FOR MOST PROMISING ARTIST (judged from entries in Junior, Children and Infant categories) - £50 (plus shield)

The announcement of winners and the presentation of prizes will be on Wednesday 24th May at 6:30pm in the Lower Exhibition Room at John Mackintosh Hall, with the exhibition of entries open to the public as from Thursday 25th May.