Call for Submissions: 'Burning Questions' in Gibraltar Heritage Journal
The Gibraltar Heritage Trust would like to invite members of the public, researchers and thinkers to send in ‘burning’ historical questions which may feature in a future edition of the Gibraltar Heritage Journal. We are looking for thought-provoking questions which have not been discussed, answered or explored in the wider literature of Gibraltar’s history. Your questions can be based around a myth, legend, discovery, or a deep thought which requires further investigating. Whether they challenge existing paradigms, or spark new inquiries, your questions could be the catalyst for the next topic of research in Gibraltar’s history.
What we are looking for are questions focused on Gibraltar’s history or heritage that:
- are interesting/unique/thought-provoking.
- can inspire dialogue, research and debate.
- challenge or provoke review of established narratives.
Guideline for Submissions:
- Format: Questions to be submitted in brief, in Times New Roman (size 12)
- Context (optional): Provide a brief (100 words max) explanation or rationale behind your question, if desired.
- Imagery (optional): If the question is enhanced by or requires reference to an image. (This will be subject to copyright clearances if used in publication).
- Deadline: Friday 7th March
- How to submit: Email word document to
Selected questions may feature in our upcoming volume and may be explored as a full-length article by contributors in future journals.
If you have an article you would like to feature in the Gibraltar Heritage Journal, the deadline for submissions this year is the end of February. Please see our Notes for Contributors.