
The Original Route of the Mediterranean Steps

Members only.

Join Roy Clinton for a walking tour of the original Med Steps Route. This tour is divided into two parts.

The tour will begin at 9:30am
Meeting Point: Entrance to Jew's Gate


Part A :  (Estimate 2.5 hours) – Difficulty: Moderate

Begins at Jews Gate - brief chat about Jews Cemetery and Sugar Loaf Hill area - walk via St. Michael’s Cave Path to Mediterranean road.

Walk along Mediterranean Road to Governor’s Lodge and Lady Chetwynds Chair and entrance to Levant Gallery. 

Back down Mediterranean Road to St. Michaels Cave Path up to Cave – brief chat about St Micheal’s Cave platform and maybe comfort stop.

Walk up road to Douglas Cave, chat about Douglas Cave. (Access into cave TBC)

Walk up to O’Hara’s Battery and chat about area. 

Part A ends here for those who wish to walk back down the road to Jews Gate.


Part B: (Estimate 1.5 hours) – Difficulty: High

Continue to walk down Med Steps. Stop at 1790 Date Oval.

Continue to Mediterranean Battery.

Continue to tunnels and exit of Levant Gallery.

Carry on down to Martin's Cave Path.

Back to Jews Gate via Martin’s Cave Path.

Tour ends.

Booking is essential. Call 20042844 or email to reserve a place. 

IMPORTANT: Members must be able to negotiate steep inclines and steps, uphill endurance, uneven ground, irregular steps and unpaved paths for the duration of the tour. Please wear comfortable walking/hiking gear and bring plenty of water. You must be able to assess whether you can participate in this tour and do not require assistance. This is for the guide's safety and pace of the tour. We will have a first aid kit on hand.