
Meetings with Political Parties

Trustees of the Gibraltar Heritage Trust have this week held separate meetings with representatives of the 3 political parties in order to present its manifesto feeder document ahead of any General Election that may be called later this year. Opportunity was also taken to further unpick and query heritage policy of the parties.

Current Minister for Heritage, John Cortes, attended on behalf of the current GSLP/Liberal party; Together Gibraltar was represented by Nicky Calamaro; and the GSD by Damon Bossino and Roy Clinton.

In all meetings discussions were open and frank exchanges of views generated debate on what Heritage and its management contributes to Gibraltar, and where perceived shortcomings lie.

The Trust issued all parties with a summary document which made a number of calls on Government to ChampionCommit and Invest in Gibraltar Heritage as a Public Good that can be accessed and enjoyed by all. The document is available to download here